Re-registration Information 2023/2024
Registration must be done before August 3, 2023.
Did you know that all continuing middle school and incoming 6th graders need to re-register by completing the Data Confirmation Process through Parent Portal and uploading all required documents? If you haven’t already done so, log in to your Aeries Parent Portal account to complete your child’s Data Confirmation and re-register them for school today! Re-registration closes on August 3, 2023. For directions on how to re-register see attached flier.
North Mountain will be on site to assist parents with re-registration. If you are having trouble or need help re-registering your student, we are here to help! See dates and times on the attached flier.
Important: You are not required to attend the Check In Day unless you are a parent/guardian of a 7th grader or if you need assistance with re-registration.
7th GRADE ONLY: Students who HAVE NOT had their TDAP vaccination will not be able to start school on August 3rd.
If your 7th grade student does not have their TDaP vaccine you can schedule an appointment with Borrego Health to get it done. Borrego Health has partnered with SJUSD to offer health exams and vaccines for students at our Enrollment Center. Health exams and vaccines are being offered on Tuesday, July 25th. The TDaP vaccine only is being offered on Friday, July 28th. To make an appointment please call 951-929-7303 or for more information see attached flier.